Neat Image Plugin For Photoshop
image plugin for Photoshop all versions. It’s very simple to clean your photos
from Noise. Reduce Noise using the Neat image Plugin, and it is very simple to
install it just install setup file and choose whatever maybe your Photoshop
Go to the C:\Program Files\Neat
Image\ and Copy the NeatImage.8bf and go to c:\Programfiles\Adobe\ Photoshop
(whatever you’re using)\plugins and paste here. Then open your Photoshop and go
to filter menu you can find it at last.
Method 2:
Open Your Photoshop, go to
the Edit menu, and open Preferences >> Plug-ins and Scratch Disks and set
Additional Plug-ins Directory to typically, C:\Program Files\Neat Image\. Then
open Photoshop and you can find it in filter menu.
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