Monday, May 8, 2017

New tools to shape Comments in Youtube

New tools to shape Comments in YouTube
1)                    Pinned comments: Show the Popular comment in the 1st to promote the
          comment section. This comment will help to you to  attract others
2)                   Creator hearts (Love Symbol) : Show the some heart lovable comments.
          This is the better way to comments from your community
3)                   Creator usernames: when you comment on your channel or video
          comments, your username will appear under the text with a pop of color
          around it so your viewers can easily identify the that comment is coming
           from you. If you are a verified creator, you will still have a verification
          checkmark appear beside your name.
4)                  Choose moderators: This feature is enabled in this year. This is the best
           way to maintain comments section . give permission to others called
            moderation they can maintain comments like remove the others spam
5)                   Blacklist phrases and words: You can block some words which is not
           proffered. The some words are very bad words or any violence words. These
           words fully blocked. You can block those words in the black list
6)                  Review of Hold potentially inappropriate comments:  This is
            introduced in this year. This is now in developing mode (Beta feature). If it
            is successful then it’s going to introduce in the all users
. It is  recognize  the
            algorithms will not always be accurate: the beta feature may hold some
            comments you deem fine for approval, or may not catch comments you did
            like to hold and remove. When you review comments, the system will take
            that feedback from account to into the account and get best at identifying
            the comments hold for review


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