Find out How well your website works across mobile and desktop computer devices. People are 6 times likely to leave or exit a website if it is not mobile-friendly. This is a way to test your website performance across all types of devices. this is very simple to test your website simply open the below link and enter your website URL and click on TEST NOW Button.
Link : Test your site is.
After Testing the score will be display about your website . so i am giving some points below about it. and if you want to get your report on your mail simple click on GET MY FREE REPORT
- People are five times more likely to exit a mobile site that is not mobile-friendly performance.
- Approx half of all visitors will leave or exit your mobile website if the pages don’t load within 3 seconds.
- almost 9/10 people are say they use multiple tab screens for their tasks as booking or managing their personal banking
Thank You
Rayarakula Karnakar
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